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Modular Layouts

This website shows some initial ideas for the modular structure of layouts.

The illustrated structure for a generic default layout is loosely based on the current _layouts/default.html.

The inclusion of particular modules would be subject to tests of site and/or page variables. Optional elements are indicated by include?, where the included file is supposed to test the relevant condition.

A particular constellation of modules could be named as a new layout, thereby making it simpler to use consistently. There may be constraints between inclusion of specific modules – e.g., a search button can be included only if a search module is included. However, the inclusion of one module never(?) prevents the inclusion of other modules . (It may be helpful to make a feature diagram of the module inclusions, and use some tooling to generate all possible layouts.)

A minimal layout is obtained by omitting all conditionally-included modules, leaving only the main content. A default layout is obtained by including them all