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Unified Algebras

The Unified Algebras framework (1988–1992) allows algebraic specification of sorts as values. It was used as the meta-notation for specifying action semantics.

A unified algebra is a kind of total homogeneous algebra, i.e., a set equipped with some total functions. Particular unified algebras represent data types; classes of unified algebras represent abstract data types. This paper establishes an institution, i.e., a logical specification framework, for specifying abstract data types as classes of unified algebras.

The carrier of a unified algebra is a distributive lattice with a bottom. The functions of the algebra always include the join and meet of the lattice, and a constant denoting the bottom of the lattice. All functions are required to be monotone with respect to the partial order of the lattice.

The main idea is that the values in the carrier of a unified algebra represent not only elements of data, but also classifications of elements into sorts. For instance, a unified algebra representing a data type of numbers and lists would have values not only for particular numbers and particular lists, but also for the sort of all numbers and the sort of all lists.

The lattice partial order of the carrier represents sort inclusion; the join and meet operations represent sort union and intersection. The bottom of the lattice represents the empty sort. The empty sort, shunned in conventional algebraic frameworks, provides a particularly natural way of representing the lack of result of partial operations – avoiding the need to introduce special “error” elements. Operations need not preserve the empty sort.

Unified Algebras and Institutions, §1