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Support for common markdown callouts like NOTE, TIP, HINT has been requested as an enhancement for Just the Docs.

Various other platforms for documentation websites support admonitions, alerts, or callouts. Some examples:

  • Python-Markdown
    !!! type "optional explicit title within double quotes"
        Any number of other indented markdown elements.
        This is the second paragraph.
  • Pandoc
    ::: Warning ::::::
    This is a warning.
    ::: Danger
    This is a warning within a warning.
  • reStructuredText
    • attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important, note, tip, warning, admonition
  • Jekyll Doc

    • Alerts: note, tip, warning, important

      {% include note.html content="This is my note. All the content I type here
      is treated as a single paragraph. <br/><br/> Now I'm typing on a  new line." %}
    • Callouts: danger, default, primary, success, info, warning

      {% include callout.html content="This is my callout. It has a border on the left 
      whose color you define by passing a type parameter. I typically use this style of
      callout when I have more information that I want to share, often spanning
      multiple paragraphs. " type="primary" %}
  • Bootstrap
    • primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark

A kramdown extension for admonition blocks has been proposed, but needs a PR.

Using IALs in kramdown with custom styles

See for how to configure various callouts when using the feature branch for PR #466 as a remote theme. (This test site uses custom CSS where the callouts are not configurable.)

Do not blah blah blah…

Do not blah blah blah…

Do not blah blah blah…

The markup is neat enough for a single paragraph:

{: .note }
Do not blah blah blah...

But that doesn’t work for multiple paragraphs. Fortunately, block quotes allow multiple paragraphs (etc.):

{: .note }
> Do not blah blah blah...
> Do not blah blah blah...

Then we get:

Do not blah blah blah…

Do not blah blah blah…

It seems unlikely that a block quote would otherwise be wanted as the body of an admonition, so perhaps that is the simplest markup style for use in kramdown?