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KaTeX Configuration

In _includes/head_custom.html add (for version 0.13.3):

{% case page.math %}
  {% when "katex" %}

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="anonymous">

    <!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering -->
    <script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

    <!-- To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: -->
    <script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"
    onload="renderMathInElement(document.body, {
      globalGroup: true,
      trust: true,
      strict: false,
      throwOnError: false,
      macros: {
        '\\\n': '\\ '

    <!-- Override the KaTeX default of font-size: 1.21em -->
      .katex { 
        font-size: 1em; 

    <!-- Potential workaround for KaTeX 0.13 bug -->
      .katex .vlist-t2 > .vlist-r:nth-child(2) > .vlist {
        pointer-events: none;
{% endcase %}

See also further KaTeX configuration options.

In the front matter of pages using KaTeX (or as a global front-matter default) add:

math: katex

(The suggested field name math and the key katex can be replaced.)


To implement a preamble that defines additional commands for use on all KaTeX pages:

  • define a custom layout that includes the command definitions
  • use it on KaTeX pages instead of the default layout.