Labels and computations
Finite mappings for environments and stores
when M
represents M2[M1]
override([X=Y|M1],M2,[X=Y|M]) :- delete(M2,X=_,M3), override(M1,M3,M).
fresh(ST, L)
when L
is not in dom(ST
fresh(ST, loc(N1)) :- length(ST, N), N1 is N+1.
loc(loc(N)) :- integer(N).
Transition relations
Labelled transition S ---X---> S1
Unlabelled transition S ------> S1
Records are represented by lists of equations:
- unprimed index:
(initial value of label component) - “primed” index:
(final value of label component)
Unobservable steps S ---U---> S1
S ---U---> S1 :-
S ------> S1, unobs(U).
Unbounded computation S ---X--->* F
F ---U--->* F :- final(F), unobs(U).
S ---X--->* F :-
pre_comp(X, X1),
S ---X1---> S1,
mid_comp(X1, X2),
S1 ---X2--->* F,
post_comp(X1, X2, X).
Bounded computation (up to N steps) S ---X---N>* SN
F ---U---_N>* F :- final(F), unobs(U).
S ---X---N>* SN :-
N =:= 0 -> SN = S ;
pre_comp(X, X1),
S ---X1---> S1,
mid_comp(X1, X2),
N1 is N - 1,
S1 ---X2---N1>* SN,
post_comp(X1, X2, X).
pre_comp(X, X1)
sets readable components of X1
pre_comp([I=C|L], X1) :-
select(I=C, X1, L1), !,
pre_comp(L, L1).
pre_comp([I+=_C|L], X1) :-
select(I+=_, X1, L1), !,
pre_comp(L, L1).
pre_comp([], []).
mid_comp(X1, X2)
sets readable components of X2
mid_comp([I=C1|L1], X2) :-
( changeable(I) ->
select(I+=_, X2, L2) ;
select(I=C1, X2, L2) ), !,
mid_comp(L1, L2).
mid_comp([I+=C1|L1], X2) :-
( changeable(I) ->
select(I=C1, X2, L2) ;
select(I+=_, X2, L2) ), !,
mid_comp(L1, L2).
mid_comp([], []).
post_comp(X1, X2, X)
sets writable components of X
post_comp([_=_|L1], X2, X) :-
post_comp(L1, X2, X).
post_comp([I+=C1|L1], X2, X) :-
member(I+=C2, X2),
( changeable(I) ->
member(I+=C2, X) ;
append(C1, C2, C),
member(I+=C, X) ), !,
post_comp(L1, X2, X).
post_comp([], _X2, _X).
when L
has no observable effects
unobs([I=C|L]) :-
\+ writable(I) -> unobs(L) ;
select(I+=C, L, L1), unobs(L1).
unobs([I+=C|L]) :-
\+ readable(I) -> C = [], unobs(L) ;
select(I=C, L, L1), unobs(L1).
readable(dummy). writable(dummy).
changeable(I) :- readable(I), writable(I).