Illustrative language semantics

Prolog code

Table 10. Configurations for MSOS

A computed value in this language is either a constant value con(G), nil, or an environment env(G).

final(G) :- con(G); G=nil; env(G).

con(N) :- integer(N).

env([_I=_DV|R]) :- env(R).

(For full modularity, the above clauses could be deferred until the values that they introduce are needed.)

Table 11. Label components

To start with, the only label component required is an environment rho.


Table 12. MSOS rules for arithmetic expressions

app(E0,BOP,E1) ---X---> app(E0_,BOP,E1) :-                         %(18)
        E0 ---X---> E0_.

app(CON0,BOP,E1) ---X---> app(CON0,BOP,E1_) :-                     %(19)
        con(CON0), E1 ---X---> E1_.

app(N0,'+',N1) ------> N :- N is N0 + N1.                          %(20+)
app(N0,'-',N1) ------> N :- N is N0 - N1, N >= 0.                  %(20-)
app(N0,'*',N1) ------> N :- N is N0 * N1.                          %(20*)
app(N0,'<',N1) ------> T :- N0  <  N1 -> T=tt; T=ff.               %(20<)
app(N0,'=',N1) ------> T :- N0 =:= N1 -> T=tt; T=ff.               %(20=)
app(N0,'>',N1) ------> T :- N0  >  N1 -> T=tt; T=ff.               %(20>)

x(I) ---U---> CON :-
        select(rho=R,U,_DOTS), member(I=CON,R), con(CON), unobs(U).%(21)

Table 13. MSOS rules for declarations

Declarations compute environments.

let(D,E) ---X---> let(D_,E) :-                                     %(22)
        D ---X---> D_.

let(R0,E) ---X---> let(R0,E_) :-                                   %(23)
        env(R0), select(rho=R1,X,DOTS), override(R0,R1,R),
        E ---[rho=R|DOTS]---> E_.

let(R0,CON) ------> CON :-                                         %(24)
        env(R0), con(CON).

const(x(I),E) ---X---> const(x(I),E_) :-                           %(25)
        E ---X---> E_.

const(x(I),CON) ------> [I=CON] :- con(CON).                       %(26)

seq(D0,D1) ---X---> seq(D0_,D1) :-                                 %(27)
        D0 ---X---> D0_.

seq(R0,D1) ---X---> seq(R0,D1_) :-                                 %(28)
        env(R0), select(rho=R1,X,DOTS), override(R0,R1,R),
        D1 ---[rho=R|DOTS]---> D1_.

seq(R0,R1) ------> R :- env(R0), env(R1), override(R1,R0,R).       %(29)

Table 14. MSOS rules for commands

(The rules that are commented-out below involve the AST constructor seq(_,_) which is overloaded. It would have been better to eliminate the overloading.)

% seq(C0,C1) ---X---> seq(C0_,C1) :-                               %(30)
%       C0 ---X---> C0_.

seq(nil,C1) ------> C1.                                            %(31)

% seq(D,C) ---X---> seq(D_,C) :-                                   %(32)
%       D ---X---> D_.

% seq(R0,C) ---X---> seq(R0,C_) :-                                 %(33)
%       env(R0), select(rho=R1,X,DOTS), override(R0,R1,R),
%       C ---[rho=R|DOTS]---> C_.

seq(R0,nil) ------> nil :- env(R0).                                %(34)

if(E,C0,C1) ---X---> if(E_,C0,C1) :-                               %(35)
        E ---X---> E_.

if(tt,C0,_C1) ------> C0.                                          %(36)

if(ff,_C0,C1) ------> C1.                                          %(37)

while(E,C) ------> if(E,seq(C,while(E,C)),nil).                    %(38)

Table 15. MSOS rules for variables

Label components now include a mutable store sigma. When a variable identifier I is bound to a location L in the store, it evaluates to the value CON currently stored at that location.

readable(sigma). writable(sigma).

x(I) ---U---> CON :-                                               %(42)
        select(rho=R,U,U1), select(sigma=S,U1,_DOTS),
        member(I=L,R), member(L=CON,S), unobs(U).

assign(x(I),E) ---X---> assign(x(I),E_) :-                         %(43)
        E ---X---> E_.

assign(x(I),CON) ---X---> nil :-                                   %(44)
        con(CON), select(rho=R,X,X1), member(I=L,R), loc(L),
        select(sigma=S,X1,X2), select(sigma+=S_,X2,DOTS),

var(x(I),E) ---X---> var(x(I),E_) :-                               %(45)
        E ---X---> E_.

var(x(I),CON) ---X---> [I=L] :-                                    %(46)
        con(CON), select(sigma=S,X,X1), select(sigma+=S_,X1,DOTS),
        fresh(S,L), override([L=CON],S,S_),

Table 18. MSOS of dynamic errors

The writable label component epsilon is either [] or [err]. Program execution terminates as soon as a step has epsilon non-[].


app(N0,'-',N1) ---X---> stuck :-                                   %(53)
        integer(N0), integer(N1), N0 < N1,

program(C) ---X---> program(C_) :-                                 %(54)
        C ---X---> C_, member(epsilon+=[],X).

program(C) ---X---> nil :-                                         %(55)
        C ---X---> _C_, member(epsilon+=L,X), L\=[].

program(nil) ------> nil.                                          %(56)

The only non-modular part of the specification, depending on all the required label components:
