
Generating files

For every MSDF file (with extension .msdf) in the MSOS repository, there should be a corresponding generated Prolog file (with extension .pro). If you add a new MSDF file, or make any changes to an existing MSDF file, you should (re)generate the Prolog file, see below.

The MSOS repository includes MSDF specifications of the abstract syntax and semantics of various constructs and sets of constructs.

If X is a set of constructs, the files for X are stored in Cons/X.

Example: The files for Exp are stored in Cons/Exp.

If Y is a construct belonging to X, the files for Y are stored in Cons/X/Y, or in Cons/X/Y-... if the construct is a variant or special case of another construct.

Example: The files for Exp::=app(Exp,Arg) are stored in Cons/Exp/app, and those for Exp::=app(Op,Arg) are stored in Cons/Exp/app-Op.

The MSDF specification of the abstract syntax of a construct is stored in the file ABS.msdf, that of its static semantics in CHK.msdf, and that of its dynamic semantics in RUN.msdf. The same goes for sets of constructs.

?- cons('X').

Example: cons('Exp').

This query translates the MSDF specifications in Cons/X/ABS.msdf, Cons/X/CHK.msdf, and Cons/X/RUN.msdf to Prolog. If an MSDF file isn’t found, this is reported.

For each MSDF specification, the file is printed. If its parsing and translation to Prolog is successful, the generated Prolog file is written, the generated Prolog file is loaded, and ‘OK’ is printed. (If the parsing or translation fails, OK is NOT printed, and no Prolog file is generated or loaded.)

?- cons('X/Y').

Example: cons('Cmd/cond-nz').

This query is analogous to cons('X') above.

?- lang('X/Y').

Example: lang('bc/1').

This query translates the MSDF specifications in Lang/X/Y/ABS.msdf, Lang/X/Y/CHK.msdf, and Lang/X/Y/RUN.msdf to Prolog. If an MSDF file isn’t found, this is reported.

?- test('X/Y').

Example: test('bc').

This query translates the MSDF specifications in Test/X/Y/ABS.msdf, Test/X/Y/CHK.msdf, and Test/X/Y/RUN.msdf to Prolog. If an MSDF file isn’t found, this is reported.

?- data('X').

Example: data('Boolean').

This query translates the MSDF specification in Data/X/ABS.msdf to Prolog.

?- msdf('X', 'ABS').

Example: msdf('~/PATH', 'ABS').

This query translates the MSDF specification in ~/PATH/ABS.msdf to Prolog. Similarly for CHK and RUN files.