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Examples of hyperlinked twin websites

The current examples of hyperlinked twins include parts of language specifications in the Spoofax meta-languages SDF3, NaBL, and Statix.1

All the current examples of hyperlinked twins were generated by Stratego code added to Spoofax meta-language projects.

Spoofax meta-language specifications

Meta-language Hyperlinked twin repository Name-binding
SDF3 SDF3 website SDF3 project NaBL, Statix
NaBL NaBL website NaBL project NaBL
NaBL2 NaBL2 website NaBL2 project
Statix Statix website Statix project NaBL2

Programming language specifications

Language Hyperlinked twin repository Name-binding
Java Java Front website Java Front project
Tiger Tiger Statix website Tiger Statix project Statix
Poosl Poosl website Poosl project Statix

Domain-specific language specifications

Language Hyperlinked twin repository Name-binding
WebDSL WebDSL Statix website WebDSL Statix project Statix

  1. NaBL2 and Stratego are omitted because Spoofax does not currently support name-based navigation in those meta-languages.